If you wish to have a successful business you need to constantly evaluate your business, set goals and reach them within a certain time frame, to ensure that your company is growing and not just growing stagnant.

Unity Consulting is one of those innovative companies who saw the need for a visual change in their business and grabbed the opportunity to develop their brand into something new.

We kicked off with their corporate identity and after molding it into a brand they could love we, applied the same spark to their website to achieve their current branding goals. The general look of their designs are corporate and clean-cut, but still modern. We used the vibrant corporate colours of their current brand; with tones of blue, green and teal and accented the modern feeling just enough with the carefully thought out design elements. Taking placement of design in account and balancing the spacing to easily accommodate a mobile view of the website. When we build a website, it’s important to us to make sure that it is both aesthetically appealing and functional, as this increases the overall user experience and increases the chance of an enquiry.

If you’re ready to work with a design team who really has your best interest at heart, give the Bunnypants team a call; We can’t wait to see what your business can grow into and accomplish!

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