Always deliver more than expected. What a fantastic standard to build your business on!
We have had a look at a wide range of corporate stationery your new or established business may need, so today we’re having a look at the letterhead and why it is important.
The first of its uses is self explanatory in the sense that it is mainly intended as the header for a letter. The idea with a header is to feature a preset of information, while also keeping uniformity on the pages that follow the initial cover page of a multi-page document.
These documents or letters can range from a variety of internal- to many different external uses. Internally, you can use it as an official way of communicating between departments or just as base for internal notices that employees need to be aware of. It should also be used for one on one communication between the company and its employees, whether it be notices of increases or restructuring of departments – whatever your need may be. It is also the preferred format on which company policies and disciplinary procedures are communicated.
External uses will usually vary, depending on your industry and the clientele you lay your focus on. You might need to submit a tender for a job or apply for a loan or financing, in which case a letterhead would be mandatory. If you communicate important information to the public, you would usually do so using a letterhead to show that it’s an official communication (Also keep in mind, that a letterhead is one of the elements that form part of your company’s brand; so in turn, it can help create brand awareness). Communication with clients or suppliers might also need to be featured on an official letterhead from time to time.
Whatever your need, a letterhead should be seen as a key part of your basic corporate stationary.
Now, in terms of the look; This will depend on your preference and any restrictions you might need to adhere to. Traditionally the letterhead would be featured at the top of an A4 document and contains the company logo and basic contact information. It would also usually contain the company registration number or nonprofit registration number, if your organization is registered.
Today, you have more freedom with regards to the look of a letterhead and where on the document it is featured. You might prefer it on the side of the document or even at the bottom as to place more focus on the actual information on it.
It is always advisable to have a letterhead designed professionally to ensure it is a representation of your brand and creates the best all-round impression.