Why should I consider vehicle branding for my business?
Vehicle branding is just one of the easiest ways to get your name and brand out there, wherever you go. This way you can just go about your normal business and the public will see you.
So how does vehicle branding work?
Firstly, you need to identify the vehicle you would like to brand and to what extent you would like to cover the vehicle. A very important thing to take in account is the cost of the actual printing and application of your chosen branding. Secondly, you need to think of a clear message you want to convey with the branding. Do you want your name or contact details to stand out? Maybe you have a catchy slogan or memorable icon that will help you stand out? You can even list your main products & services.
What ever the case may be, this is definitely something your designer needs to know before they start the design. This will help them to plan the layout carefully and allocate the correct spacing in the design.
Thirdly, you need to know it makes a big difference how your designer will visually present you with the designs. A 2D design will be easier, but a 3D representation of that design will really help you visualise what the final product will look like – this is however much more difficult to do. We would also advise to rather do it on a picture/photo of the actual vehicle model and not a drawing or illustration of the vehicle, as this will help both you and the printer with a true representation of what to expect.
Lastly, you need to make sure your designer knows how your printer needs the design files saved.
From there, it should be smooth sailing and you should be set to drive around town in style.