When starting a brand new business, there are so many aspects you need to consider to get your business up and running. Wouldn’t it be so great not to crack your head over the design aspect? What is better than getting the look and image of your business exaclty the way you want it? – Not much.

Having a brand developed and established, is the first step in the right direction. It makes a strong statement about who you are and where you’re going. It creates identity and confidence in what you have built and it all starts with a logo that is recognisable and iconic.

One of the latest logo designs we did for a client, was for a company called “For The Love Of Treats“. A catchy name that needed the perfect logo to complete the idea their selling. With an elegant and sophisticated style the logo speaks of quality and gives the feeling of a limited edition treat you can’t resist. The idea for the brand and the logo came from the owners dream to provide in tailor made treats and sweets for special occasions.

Having the dream and vision for your company and brand is the exciting part, but the challenge is finding someone who can help you develop it into something spectacular. The bonus is when ‘n strong and long lasting relationship can be formed with the design team who helped you establish it.

Let the experienced team at Bunnypants help you accomplish that. Give us a call today and find out how to get started.