Whatever your design need is, the experienced design team at Bunnypants has it covered. Quality isn’t expensive, it’s priceless and with us that doesn’t mean it costs an arm and a leg. We offer our clients the most competitive prices in the Vaal Triangle and is the preffered design company in the Vanderbijlpark and Vereeniging area.

Grati-Ma is one of our latest completed projects and like all the others, holds a special place in our hearts. No matter the size of a project, we always put our 110% in to make it the best. While working on this corporate and high-end logo, we ventured into the illustration of power – which is the message the client wanted to convey. By adding their catchy tagline “We got the power”, the look of the logo was complete. We accented the logo with blue and green to go with the strong black used in the name.

The next step was a Facebook Cover Photo with a very modern look that incorporated imagery about the services and solutions they have to offer. Using the infinity symbol to depict these services and solutions, a strong message is conveyed to the client.

By taking hands with a professional design team, Grati-Ma obtained a priceless investment in their business and the image it holds with their clients.

Just imagine what we can do for you!


facebook banner design