Have you considered all the ways in which you can do advertising for your business? There are some methods of advertising that can have you spending 3 kidneys (and you only have 2) and then there are others that may work out cheaper. In the advertising game, you have to consider all your options and see which method will suit your wallet and can help advertise your business in the long run.


A very fun and creative method of advertising is vehicle branding/signage. You will only need to pay for the design and branding once off – but from there; your car, delivery truck or fleet will do the advertising for you. Wherever the road takes your company, your brand will be available to potential clients!


For CDJ Land Surveyors, we recently developed vehicle branding to help them build their brand awareness on the roads of our beautiful country.

Give us a call and find out more about the design options we have for you.

cdj land surveyors vehicle signage

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