Stepping above and beyond the average Joe and into the hearts of clients, takes lots of planning and precision execution. To some people having a business might be a game, but if you want your business to be a success you need to take its success seriously.

Blommetaal is one of those one-in-a-million companies who makes their business to cater to the specific needs of their clients. They offer personalised floral solutions and concierge services. What better way to advertise the very special services they have to offer than with a personalised website.

Blommetaal knew the importance of having a website you can easily manage in the future. They also knew it had to be up to standard, otherwise the public won’t find it when doing searches on Google. On top of all, the website needed to look the part to impress and inspire their specific clientele.

Bunnypants was the perfect graphic and web design company to build this very specific website for Blommetaal, as we take all these points into consideration when designing and building a website. Functionality plus design equals a win, no compromise needed. Their website is a CMS based site (content management system) to ease future use and update of the site. It’s fully mobile responsive and SEO optimised to perform better on Google searches. For the design we focused on showcasing their floral arrangements and the finer touch that comes with their talor made solutions. The look of the website is elegant with flair and we incorporated stylish fonts that are easy to read.

Do the smart thing and contact Bunnypants for your website and design needs. Getting the best designs and services at the best price, with professional and personal service. What a deal!

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