Giving Trees – Specialist Tree Growers are situated in the southern part of the Gauteng Province in South Africa. They realised that there was a need for a bigger variety of these trees as well as better and bigger plants to be made available to the general public and so they started the “Giving Trees” range of mainly fruit-producing trees and plants. They are specialist growers of mainly top quality fig and pomegranate tree varieties.

Giving Trees have an extensive collection of these plants and are also currently testing these varieties in our experimental orchards to see how they perform here on the Highveld. The only other few test orchards are all situated in the Western Cape with a totally different climate to the Highveld..

The Giving Trees website is a informative product, website! What makes this website a bit different is the way the content is laid out in accordion tabs to save space. 

All the graphics on the website are custom designed for the client, and the Brand was also developed and designed by the Bunnypants Team, and that is exactly what Bunnypants specializes in.

This website is build on CMS system which enables the client to update and manage their own website in the feature. The website is also fully responsive and all mobile and desktop devises.

Bunnypants also markets this website online to ensure the clients get maximum exposure of their brand online.

If you have tree planting needs or are interested in plants view the Giving Trees website a view to see their products and get excellent information. Go to: Giving Trees

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