Have you ever had a great idea for advertising for your business with absolutely no way of creating the design or bringing it all together? Have you ever wished you could say what you have in mind and have someone design it for you, interpreting it and allowing you to...
Giving peace of mind is a very valuable business strategy and helps your clients in their moment of need. Usiba Funeral Services is one of those very special companies who aim to give their clients the peace of mind they need in times of need. They do this by offering...
We are so proud to showcase this project done by the Bunnypants team. At Bunnypants Graphic and Web Design Studio, we realize that each business is different and their needs will also be different. We also understand that the industry our clients are in will have a...
Yet another beautiful design for a client from Gauteng. Bunnypants is the proud designer of the Corporate Identity and website for Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Henk J. Swanepoel. We developed his brand (logo, business card, letterhead and signature) according to his...