Have you ever had a great idea for advertising for your business with absolutely no way of creating the design or bringing it all together? Have you ever wished you could say what you have in mind and have someone design it for you, interpreting it and allowing you to choose the option that matches your idea or what you want the best?

Wish no moreā€¦ Bunnypants is the perfect team to help you interpret your vision visually. We translate your ideas into a visual representation thereof, giving you different options to choose from. We then make changes, if needed, with your guidance during the free revisions included in all our packages.

Our specialized graphic design services and attention to detail is exactly what the team at Nutri Feed was looking for when they decided to have us design a calendar (and some other graphic design products – coming soon). With their unique look and the contemporary feeling they want to convey for their product, our team of designers was excited to start the project.