As part of any of our website packages, included are two unique and custom looks to choose from. Because we do not make use of just yet another template, we choose to design a custom look and feel for your website’s framework, promoting the brand colours, brand meaning and brand design. It is part of our professional web design services, to seek and understand your needs to design a website that accurately portrays your brand and services.


Homecor Website Presentation Option 1

Homecor Website Presentation Option 2

Your website is usually the first thing a potential customer sees before they call you — or your competitor for that matter. A professional and functional website creates a great first impression with customers and supports your services and reputation. However, an unappealing, slow, or outdated website communicates to customers that your business lacks the expertise and level of professionalism that they deserve.


What type of first impression are they getting when they visit your website? Does your website properly represent your business and make potential customers want to call you, or make them want to look elsewhere?


Bunnypants Graphic & Web Design Studio can deliver a product that you can be proud of and that will help your business succeed in an online and visual manner! Making you proud to visit your own website.


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