We LOVE designing!
And we LOVE designing for God’s Kingdom!
This wonderful and inspiring project was done with a big heart and with the motive to branch out to a personal blog, to inspire women of all ages and seasons to discover and celebrate their lives, unique gifts and to willingly place their treasure (and trash) into God’s hands.
The aim of this logo (and blog to follow) is to reach hundreds and thousands of other ordinary housewives who live their own courageous and unique stories.
With the background of a very inspiring woman, maybe with a slightly crazier story than a few of them? Suria Scholtz, married to one man, a mother of 16 kids (2 biological, 9 adopted, 6 in foster care), a Missionary who lived in India and Africa, where she home-schooled at times, developed a Discipleship curriculum, developed a Teacher Training College, worked with Human Trafficking – raising funds and awareness in 2010 under the Freedom Climb (now Freedom Challenge) where they climbed significant mountains, developed a Bible Study book and prayer booklets, always collecting God-stories on her journey. With her personal struggle in this VIVID life – to find the balance between Martha and Mary and learning to breathe, she is inspiring others to breathe too! With all of this said, A VIVID LIFE was the perfect name for her personal brand!
We developed a logo that will inspire in simplicity and communicate the heart of her blog visually and accurately, for as we all know – a picture speaks a thousand words. Adding the tagline, Planted, not Packaged! Wow! How inspiring! And what a privilege to have been part of this great adventure and brand development!
Because of our client’s passion for flowers, we just HAD to include this imagery to her brand. Simply styled lilies, clean lines with soft complimenting colours, and a stylish script font, light and legible with flair. A beautiful logo, with complimenting stationery, including beautiful photography to capture the essence of what this logo should FEEL like!
Are you in need of a personal brand! One that captures the essence of YOU? Then do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible. We would love to help you flourish!
View our prices at > https://www.bunnypants.co.za/packages/graphic-design-prices and contact us today at [email protected]

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