Designing a website for this very traditional printing technique presses that dates back to the 15th century was such a pleasure. Because as we all know, everything is going digital these days. And we need to be reminded of the beauty of printmaking.
The art of engraving and etching originated with goldsmiths and armour makers—men who were thoroughly professional craftsmen, practicing an art that had a long, respected tradition. Since the armour makers and goldsmiths were designers themselves, the whole process was controlled by the creative artist.
But what is printmaking then?

catalog to basket web design

Printmaking is the process of creating artworks by printing. Printmaking is believed to have originated as early as the 1st century China’s Han Dynasty, and since its start, the medium’s ability to reproduce images and create unique visual qualities has influenced everyone from book publishers to graphic designers. Artists in particular have driven the medium forward by experimenting with its various processes, in which ink is moved from one surface to another.
With the rich history of printmaking, it was an honour to build a website who specializes in the selling of these presses, whose aim is to manufacture and supply quality affordable Etching Presses to the professional as well as the hobby printmaker.
RL Vorster started manufacturing Etching and Litho Presses in 1986 and is well known amongst the printmaking community in South Africa.
With the modern Catalog to Basket website, you can browse their products, add it to a basket and request a quotation. Because this is not and everyday product, shipping and procedures thereof can differ, which made this the perfect solution for them to bring their products online!
How is this for merging the old and the new!?

cart website design

Like RL Vorster, some businesses have products that they can’t sell online because they have an undetermined price. Or they prefer to take orders by phone or personal communication due to the nature or complexity of their product. This makes it impossible for them to use a shopping cart plugin, but they still want to have a website, so they can showcase those products and attract potential customers.
Does this sound like you?

ecommerce web design

Normally, people associate eCommerce platforms with online shopping. However, you can still use them as the platform to display your products without using a shopping cart feature. It will still show all the product information, images, descriptions and gallery, but without an add-to-cart button and rather an add-to-quote button.
Do you want to have an online product catalog without adding a full-blown shopping cart? Then this is the perfect solution for you too!
Contact us today to find out how we can help you bring your products online and enlarge your selling territory!

product catalog web design