With the sudden shift away from the classroom in many parts of the globe, some are wondering whether the adoption of online learning will continue. It is clear that the COVID-19 pandemic has utterly disrupted the education system.

Since studies have shown that children extensively use their senses to learn, making learning fun and effective through use of technology, we are very excited to launch our out of the box online learning portal – eClasses.

This portal can be used by Schools, Universities, Extra Classes Educators and Learning Academies.  The eClasses LMS system has spesialised features like interactive learning, blended learning, use of multimedia, course download and offline capabilities to mention just few.

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In years past, instructors had to create their “virtual classrooms” from scratch which was difficult and often led to poor results. Today, an entire industry has emerged to do this for us. Course Management System (CMS) software is utilized by just about all colleges today. CMS allow instructors to design and deliver their courses within a flexible framework that includes a number of different tools to enable learning and communication to occur.

eClasses comes in two options: Cloud Hosted Option, which had a lower initial cost but higher monthly rental fee and Server Hoster Option, which has a higher initial cost but lower monthly rental fee. Both eClasses options was developed so that they can be rolled out and branded to our needs, within 7 days.

This is due to the “out of the box” technology that is been used to design and build eClasses so successfully.

Although the Bunnypants Team has been working on this for months before Covid-19 strike the nation, we believe that there is no better time than now to release the portal officially.

We are very proud and very excited to share this platform with the world, as this was in many ways testing our design skills, our technical skills, our own communication skills and the world’s needs, all at once!

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Online learning is education that takes place over the Internet. It is often referred to as “elearning” among other terms. However, online learning is just one type of “distance learning” – the umbrella term for any learning that takes place across distance and not in a traditional classroom.

A large sum of Schools and Universities have said they will improve online classes, not primarily for emergency teaching during the coronavirus crisis, but for the longer term. Some have already set up a special teams to further develop online learning technology and practices that will be adopted after the coronavirus pandemic is over.

Of course, there will be some problems and shortcomings. But those can be dealt with and are not reasons to postpone adoption.

We believe that Online Learning is the way of the future.

Whether it be your main source of education, or for assisted learning, it is an absolute must for educational institutions to consider sooner than later.

While traditional education will never go away, neither will distance learning. With online enrolment increasing every day, it looks like online schooling is making its mark, causing students to ask, “How important is flexibility and effective learning to me?”

Is your school ready?

Is your institute prepared?

Are you looking for easier ways to educate a larger group of students at once?

Then this is the perfect solution for you!

Visit this brand new website at https: and be amazed of how fun education can be!