Why a website? How does it work? What will I gain from having a website? Do you have all these questions, but struggling to get an answer? Grab a cup of coffee and carry on reading;

A website is a place where people go to find or view more information about a place, company, product or service they are interested in. You have the unique opportunity to show them what you want them to see. The website can have different kinds of functionality and can also be interactive, depending on what you want to accomplish with the website. A website can help boost trade between different countries and can uplift the economic situation of a company, town or even a country.

Whatever your aim is, connections seem to be the discerning factor, so why don’t you already have a website up and running? If having a design company who will be able to both design and maintain the website is what you’re looking for, then look no further – you have found us.

Have a look at the website we designed and built for Bambi and Kids as a selling platform for their custom products. The website is built as an E-commerce shop and is also designed to suit the very unique brand that was already established.

Our CMS based website solutions are mainly built in WordPress and Joomla, which are the biggest website platforms, offering our clients the freedom to manage their own website once we are done and also a world of functionality at one request. We also enable our clients to manage their own website by providing them with the suitable training. Once all this is complete, our team are at standby to assist in any future problems that might occur or even just for a question.

Are you ready to become part of the generation who does it right? Call Bunnypants to get started with your success story.

Bambi & Kids - E-commerce Website Design

Bambi & Kids - E-commerce Website Design

Bambi & Kids - E-commerce Website Design