Having a visual presence is very important in these modern times we live in, it has become the standard by which people make their decisions and form their opinions. That is why it’s something that takes lots of work and strategy to make sure the standard is befitting your company and your industry.

Planning is a key part of the process, but needs to go hand in hand with execution, otherwise it will just stay a dream. The implementation of an idea is what can bring a dream into reality.

Let’s take a look at the vibrant and exciting brand we developed for Peacock Corporate and Workwear. We designed their corporate identity according to their specific brand requirements and design brief. Based on the information given, we designed their first drafts and from there refined the designs to get to a final completed product.

Keeping in mind what the client intends on using the designs for we saved the files in High Resolution. Their vibrant and lively designs catches your attention and intrigues the viewer to find out more about what they do. This is exactly what it needs to do, while also being functional as office stationary.

Their corporate identity consist of a logo, letterhead, business card and email signature. Additional business cards and email signatures can easily be added in the future, leaving room for the business to expand.

Once you’ve realised the importance of branding, there is no turning back and nothing less than excellent will do. Give us a call and lets help you get to a point of excellence.

Peacock Corporate & Workwear - CI Design

Peacock Corporate & Workwear - CI Design