Having built a variety of different system based websites over the years, we have specialized experience in their functionality and configuration. We also noticed that the system configuration and customized website functionality is where most website developers get stuck. That is why most website developers try to steer clear of such a website, making it very difficult to find a proper developer who can help realize their client’s dreams.

IFIL is our latest system based website and had some very specific configuration requirements we needed to take in account. The whole website was built to be an online university. The base website’s layout was designed to be easily navigated and to supply additional information about the university.

We needed a base website to attach the system to, so once the base was complete, we could configure the online university system. The system enables you to see a variety of information, ranging from student information to campus information, controlled by a unique login.

The general look and feel of the website is very professional and clean with a focus on biblical insights, as this is a university for biblical studies.

The completed CMS based website comes with training on how to manage the website and information on the website. Our infrastructure also enables us to offer website support for any issues that might pop up or difficulty managing the system. Our end-to-end website solutions gives our clients peace of mind.

Whatever your website needs are, contact out team today for a customized solution.

 IFIL Web Design

IFIL Web Design

IFIL Web Design

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