Some women have a more natural style, so they don’t usually get their nails done or pay much attention to hours of styling each day. Even if this is the case, all brides should include these finer touches in their wedding planning.

This is your special day and it only happens once. Having your nails, makeup and hair done professionally will make you feel special, treat your groom with a beautiful display that is his wife and create some memorable pictures for you to cherish for years to come.

Having your nails done is just as important as the rest of your styling, so make sure to find out which nail artists do a good job. Try and plan this a few months in advance trying out different designs and products to make sure you’re happy with what you choose for your wedding day.

Having different trials will also ensure that you don’t get surprised with any allergies to the product or a design that won’t look as nice as you would have hoped. Nail care is also important, so if you are going to have something like gel or acrylic done, it may damage your nails if you take it off too quickly to try the next design.

If any of the products used have a negative influence on your hands and nails, rather look at a different option or product.

It also makes a nice gift to your wedding party to have their nails done, even better to do it together before the wedding. Including a hand treatment will also help relax you and take your mind off the stress of all the planning.

Make sure to take pictures every step of the way, your wedding memories start with the planning and preparation.