Your wedding vows are such an exciting part of the wedding ceremony! There is a lot of different options when it comes to wedding vows and you can even incorporate symbolical elements. Here are some ideas and tips;

You can have your traditional wedding vows or you can write your own wedding vows – making it more personal, either way you choose, the moment will be very special. Just remember that this is something you will need to discuss with who ever will be officiating the union.

When it comes to cute gestures and ways to incorporate your wedding vows into the rest of your wedding, the options are endless so here is just a view that caught our attention;

You can have your vows incorporated into a nice design and printed as part of the leaflets you give at the church. Another nice idea is to have a unique design made that can be printed on a sticker and attached to a glass, you then display the laminated glass at the ceremony. How about adding your personalized vows to the wedding cake design to really make it special.

The possibilities are endless, but the one thing you should remember is that it’s about the two of you and the celebration of your marriage. So even though things get a little rough and people get a little edgy, just don’t lose sight of why you started this journey.