The great thing about having a long standing relationship with your clients, is that you understand their personal style and can better capture it in the designs you create.
With black Friday that really made an impression this past weekend, everyone all over the world bought into the idea of massive savings, excuse the pun. Crown Jewellers asked us to create a Facebook Advert Design for them that could be used to advertise their black Friday specials.
Because we have a strong relationship with this client, we could easily create a design that matches their brand and style, keeping true to what makes them stand out. We used a contemporary jewellery picture, with a clean black and white look, while adding texture to give depth to the design. The typography used in the design is simple and easy to read, but still makes a statement.
It’s important to remember that even though you have a very specific branding style, you don’t need to follow exactly the same design over and over again. The key is to use that style to create fresh designs for your new ideas that will keep clients intrigued.
Give us a call today to see what we can do for you.