When starting a business you have certain ideas in mind of what you stand for and what you aim to accomplish. These ideas and values become a key part of your business and helps create a complete picture of what clients or investors can come to expect from you.

The best way to advertise this is to put it in writing, using your words and making it personal. This is exactly what a company profile is. You create your own profile, saying everything you need or want to say while showing what you’re proud of. Before websites became a big thing people invested in having professional company profiles designed. The digital age has definitely changed the way we think about many things, including what we use for advertising our businesses.

We have, however, noticed that having a professional company profile still holds many advantages. Firstly, when applying for a bank loan or business credit, you will need to present a company profile along with your other documents. You can now have a digital version to send via email when approaching new clients. You can even upload it to your website for people to download when they want to read a bit further about your company or organization.

Super Yacht Luxury saw the need in having such a design made. They wanted a very professional and modern look for their profile, which would impress at first glance. By using their design brief and reference art we needed to establish a look. Once they chose the look they liked, we could fine tune the designs to their specifications until they were satisfied.

We made use of strong imagery and pictures that would stir up a feeling of luxury and style, as this is the essence of what they wanted to capture. The complimentary design elements were used in moderation as to not be overwhelming, while taking care to make it eye catching. First impressions are after all very important.

Super Yacht Luxury is located in America, but the distance was no problem during the design process. Bunnypants has many clients all over the country and even internationally. So if you’re not situated in the Vaal Triangle, there is no need to feel discouraged – we are more than capable to make a success out of your project and get the files you need in your hands.

Call us today and book your project!



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