One of the strongest character traits of Bunnypants Graphic and Web Design Studio is our loyalty to our clients. We place a lot of value on strong relationships with our clients, helping them in every step of their journey. This is definitely an added service that has become very hard to find.

Tefo Construction has been a valued client of Bunnypants for years now and we have been part of so many of their design projects, so it was really a pleasure to design and build their website. Their website is a fully functioning CMS based website, which means that they will be able to manage the website and keep it updated as their information change. Now that is putting the power back in their hands!

The look of the website is based on their corporate identity and company profile, that was also designed by our team. We kept true to their sophisticated, but also industrial feel; to make sure their standard of work and service is apparent in the look. The main colours we used were blue, black, grey and a bit of white to accent certain design elements.

When we build a website, we understand that it needs to be attractive to the viewer as this is their potential clients. Secondly it is very important to build the website according to the standards set by Google, as this is the biggest search engine. If a website isn’t built correctly in this sense, it will be very hard to almost impossible for people browsing the internet to find the website (and that kind of defeats the purpose of the website, doesn’t it? ).

Thirdly, we take in account the functionality of the website and the ease of using it. This includes the buttons linking to pages, the way the information is laid out on the pages, the menu and its functionality, the enquiry forms and other subscription fields, etc. Lastly, we know how important it is to Google and the average internet browser to be able to view a website on other devices than a PC. It has become so easy to access the world from the palm of your hand, so it’s only logical that a website needs to be compatible to mobile devices like smart phones, tablets etc.

Have a look at the general design of the Tefo Construction website, but also view the website itself so you can have the full experience of its functionality. With this full image of how it has been built, you will understand why using Bunnypants for your design and website projects is the only option.

images portfolio tefo construction tefo construction web design home

images portfolio tefo construction tefo construction web design services

images portfolio tefo construction tefo construction web design contact

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