Have you noticed that some companies only have their standard products or services and offer no alternative to it. I guess in some industries or business setups this arrangement could be reasonable, but it doesn’t feel very accommodating. This is why Bunnypants offer standard products generally requested for and also customized product solutions, which are client specific. We love our clients and we love seeing them happy, that’s the true reward of the job.

Super Yacht Luxury is another one of our longstanding clients, who feel comfortable with our service and loves our designs. After designing their company profile, their next need was an affiliate rewards flyer which needed to be a 6” x 6” tri fold design. Because we already designed their company profile, they needed the awards flyer to have a very specific look.

We, again, made use of strong imagery and pictures that would stir up a feeling of luxury and style. The complimentary design elements were used in moderation, but we also took care to make it eye catching enough when quickly scanning over the flyer. As with all our printable design work the files were saved print ready before supplying it to the client, along with the combined email version to make it a bit easier.

While Super Yacht Luxury is located in America, the distance didn’t hinder the design process and as yet another completed project for this client, there is no need for you to worry about using Bunnypants if you’re not situated in the Vaal Triangle.

Where ever your situated and whatever your design or website need is, we are here to help you!