In this modern world of ours, it has become so difficult to find someone who really cares about your needs and concerns; That’s why it’s so refreshing to find individuals who take a stand and provide where they find a need. Silverage provides innovative and comprehensive living space solutions for modern seniors.

As modern and innovative people, the Silverage team saw the need in having a beautiful but also functional website. A website that makes it easy to find what you’re looking for and that is also pleasing to the eye. To accomplish this, the Bunnypants team took time to learn more about the client and what they aim to accomplish with their website so we could incorporate this message into their website. The website gives a feeling of endlessness and pushing the boundaries, which is exactly what anyone dreams of, once they reach a mature age. A feeling of a new life of possibilities and not the end of an adventure lived. Isn’t this exactly what we all work for in the end?

Looking at the colours used in the design, you will see it is kept consistent, but not repetitive and boring. You will also see a distinct style in the font used along with the imagery. In the end, all of these design elements speak together to create a luxurious and confident feeling, a feeling of success. It is important to us to design intentionally, always keeping the end result in mind.

The website is also built in the latest CMS technology, while keeping a keen eye on the functionality and performance of the site. It is built according to the latest rules of Google, keeping in mind that search engines, like Google, also needs to navigate and find the website easily. Each design element was also thoroughly thought through in order to accomplish the basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) criteria.

If you have a tingling feeling after looking at the website and you’re not completely sure what it is, we usually call it inspiration. You can have a website just as fantastic as this and at the most reasonable prices in the industry. All it takes to get the journey started is a call.

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