What is in a logo, you might ask? Well just about everything, especially if you want to be recognized.
Just face it, when you saw this logo, you looked twice – and then again just to see all the detail. This Elegant logo has just the right amount of flair to be eye catching and make you read more. Isn’t this just the perfect custom logo for a stylish interior decorator with custom service and a variety of décor? Milana already has a unique style that is evident in her work and now she has the logo to match it. Working closely with the client, we could establish exactly what she wanted and worked through the revisions until her heart just started beating chocolates.
Just imagine what we can do for you? With our all-round design skills, almost nothing is impossible. Bunnypants has a team of creative designers who are just waiting to help you find the brand and designs you were looking for.
With our variety of packages, we can help you from the beginning to the end and build a long lasting relationship with trust and awesome designs!
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