Do you need a professional look for your company’s brand? Then you need to call the Bunnypants Graphic and Web Design Studio today! One of our latest projects was the design of a website for Sable Recruitment. Guided by the client’s completed design brief, we started the project with the look and feel of their website. While developing the design options for our clients, we provide multiple unique options – to ensure we cover all the design aspects mentioned in their brief. We accomplish this by using a team of designers who has different design ideas. The client is then free to make any alterations using their 2 free revision rounds included in the package.

The client had a clear idea in mind of what he was looking for and this helped us provide options he found difficult to choose between. With some small changes made to the designs he chose, we finalized his website look.
By now we have learned to know the client much better and had a clear vision of what he liked. The client gave us some final details for the website pages and explained what he wanted to accomplish with it. Using this information, we planned the layout of the rest of the website. The website had an earthy and natural feeling to it, which suites the client’s industry the best – just as he requested. Only a few small changes were needed before we could introduce his fully functioning CMS based website to the world.

With his brand new mobile friendly website in place, he is free to expand the virtual presence of his specialized recruitment agency. Potential applicants and hospitality institutions will now be able to get more information on his website and contact him directly through the information it provides. He will also be able to update these details, along with other details, using the training Bunnypants provides.

Sable Recruitment offers a unique recruitment service, specifically aimed at the hospitality- and wildlife industry. By building profiles with lodges and the reserves they do business with, Sable Recruitment has a better understanding of what is needed in an applicant. This gives them an advantage above other similar businesses and this is what sets them apart from the average.

If you need your story told, but you don’t know where to start – giving us a call is the first step in the right direction.


bunnypants website design sable recruitment home page


bunnypants website design sable recruitment about page


bunnypants website design sable recruitment contact page

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