Salt & Light International Ministries is a Christian non-profit organization, established and registered under the law of the Republic of Zambia. SLIM is affiliated with other local SLIM organizations located through out the world. Encourage, Inspire, Practical Change, Awareness, Support. Glorify God and reflect his love by proclaiming the unfathomable riches of Jesus Christ in word and deed. Reaching out to the poor, especially orphans and vulnerable children, in and through local churches.

This website design also represents high quality and global elements in the design, complementing the brand and the international ministry.

All the graphics on the website are custom designed for the client based on the brand. The website has a nice fullscreen high definition layout and is also fully responsive and all mobile and desktop devices.

This website is build on CMS system which enables the client to update and manage their own website in the feature.

Check out the SLIM Global website if you would like to enquire about Ministry Services. –

Get professionally designed Logos, Business Card, Company Brochures and Your Website designed by the Bunnypants Team. Our turn around time is 7 to 10 working days only for Corporate Id Items and 30 Days for a Website Design.

If you have a service to market or need for branding, contact Bunnypants Graphic and Web Design Studio.

 slim homepage correct


slim our focus page