Wilmien Davis is a life, business and executive coach. Specializing in Strength finder awareness, results-, team building coaching.
Bunnypants developed the Wilmien Davis Consulting brand, marketing tools, social media channels, print media designs and website design.
The Bunnypants team will take your dream business from a pixel to complete brand. Our qualified design team will design your logo, letterheads, business cards, website and marketing tools in one turnkey project.
This website was build and developed on our Marketer Website Pack (see our web design prices). Perfect for a SME Startup or established business who knows the importance of proper branding.
All designs are custom designed!
Wilmien Davis has been coaching the Bunnypants Team for 2015. Ask anyone of our team to hear what awesome impact it has made in every ones lives and personal careers.
For more information about your or employee coaching needs, contact Wilmien Davis at www.wilmiendavisconsulting.co.za
Also check out Wilmien’s social media channels and watch her TedX presentation. This is no ordinary lady!