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7 Strategies to Improve Your Website’s Ranking for Location-Specific Keywords

Improving your website’s ranking for specific search terms like “web design vanderbijlpark” or “website design vanderbijlpark” requires a combination of on-page and off-page optimization strategies. Here are some suggestions that can help you improve your website’s ranking: 

  1. Conduct keyword research: Use keyword research tools to identify the most relevant and high-volume keywords related to your business and the services you offer. This will help you identify the most important keywords to target on your website.
  3. Optimize your website content: Ensure that your website content includes the target keywords in the right places such as the title tag, meta description, header tags, and throughout the content on the page. Be sure to avoid keyword stuffing as this can negatively impact your ranking.
  5. Improve your website’s user experience: Make sure your website is easy to navigate, has a fast page load time, and is mobile-friendly. These factors can impact your website’s ranking.
  7. Build high-quality backlinks: Having other reputable websites linking back to your website can improve your website’s authority and help it rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  9. Create location-specific content: As you’re targeting a specific location, it’s important to create location-specific content to attract users from that area. Consider creating blog posts or pages that are specific to Vanderbijlpark, and include information about your services in that area.
  11. Use social media: Utilize social media platforms to promote your website and content, and engage with your target audience. This can help to build brand awareness and drive traffic to your website.
  13. Monitor and track your progress: Use analytics tools to monitor your website’s ranking and track your progress. This will help you identify areas for improvement and refine your strategy over time. 

By implementing these strategies, you can improve your website’s ranking for search terms like “web design vanderbijlpark” or “website design vanderbijlpark”. However, it’s important to note that SEO is an ongoing process and requires consistent effort to maintain and improve your website’s ranking.

On Site or On Page SEO  practice refers to optimizing webpages on your website to improve a website’s search engine rankings and earn organic free traffic.

In addition to publishing relevant, high-quality content, on-page SEO includes optimizing your headlines, HTML tags (title, meta, and header), and images. This type of content marketing is more permanent that Google Ads and eventually brings in free traffic and will have a return on investment over time. Where any type of Adverts are temporary, just until the budget runs out.

Some Search Engine Basics that can help you understand the need for SEO:

Google sends out crawlers, or spiders, to explore the internet al the time. They follow links from one site to another, building a map of searchable content called a search index.

The algorithm that powers Google’s search engine is constantly being updated, which means the site’s ranking can change at any time. If you want your business or website to maintain its position or ge a better position on Search Engine Results, then it needs frequent optimization.

As sites are explored by crawlers, they evaluate the content of each site to determine what kind information it contains. This data is then used by Google’s algorithm in order to answer queries from users more accurately and efficiently; which results in better rankings for those websites.

On Page/Site SEO does three things:

1. It improves Googles understanding of your website content and constructs association with certain keywords, industries, services
2. Improves page rank in search results as Google has a better insight of what your website is about.
3. Helps Google’s algorithm understand your level of proficiency, authority, expertise, and trustworthiness on a certain matter. With higher authority comes more organic traffic.
SEO can be implemented on different levels depending on users needs and budget.

what services are done under performance seo
what services are done under performance seo mobile
level 1 on page seo service
What is done when On Page/Site SEO is implemented on Level 1? Fee of R 275 per month
Optimise images & videos sizes
Add meta content (keywords) and ALT tags to images
Construct key phrases in backend of website implemented in the Meta Data field of each page or product
Add and manage Google Insights – Report any issues that need action.
Uploading sitemaps to Google Insights.
Asking Google to reindex new changes.
level 2 on page seo service
What is done when On Page/Site SEO is implemented on Level 2? Fee of R 585 per month
Optimise images & videos sizes
Add meta content (keywords) and ALT tags to images
Construct key phrases in backend of website implemented in the Meta Data field of each page or product
Add and manage Google Insights – Report & Fix any issues or errors that need action.
Uploading sitemaps to Google Insights.
Asking Google to reindex new changes.
Receive security reports from Google
Test and Maintain mobility report.
Update static, interactive or dynamic content changes to Google
Add 1 x hidden SEO Landing Page per month relating to suggested keyword or key phrase term.

+ Landing Page content can be supplied by client and our Artificial Intelligence software will rewrite your content to fit SEO needs.

++ If Landing Page content is not supplied, our team will still need to be guided with search terms, or a short sentance or two for your product or industry.

level 3 on page seo service
What is done when On Page/Site SEO is implemented on Level 3? Fee of R 900 per month
Optimise images & videos sizes
Add meta content (keywords) and ALT tags to images
Construct key phrases in backend of website implemented in the Meta Data field of each page or product
Add and manage Google Insights – Report & Fix any issues or errors that need action.
Uploading sitemaps to Google Insights.
Asking Google to reindex new changes.
Receive security reports from Google
Test and Maintain mobility report.
Update static, interactive or dynamic content changes to Google
Add 2 x hidden SEO Landing Page per month relating to suggested keyword or key phrase term.

+ Landing Page content can be supplied by client and our Artificial Intelligence software will rewrite your content to fit SEO needs.

++ If Landing Page content is not supplied, our team will still need to be guided with search terms, or a short sentance or two for your product or industry.

level 4 on page seo service
What is done when On Page/Site SEO is implemented on Level 4? Fee of R 1325 per month
Optimise images & videos sizes
Add meta content (keywords) and ALT tags to images
Construct key phrases in backend of website implemented in the Meta Data field of each page or product
Add and manage Google Insights – Report & Fix any issues or errors that need action.
Uploading sitemaps to Google Insights.
Asking Google to reindex new changes.
Receive security reports from Google
Test and Maintain mobility report.
Update static, interactive or dynamic content changes to Google
Add 3 x hidden SEO Landing Page per month relating to suggested keyword or keyphrase term.
Add and Maintain Google Schema Markup on website

+ Landing Page content can be supplied by client and our Artificial Intelligence software will rewrite your content to fit SEO needs.

++ If Landing Page content is not supplied, our team will still need to be guided with search terms, or a short sentance or two for your product or industry.

performance seo monthly prices south africa
performance seo monthly prices south africa mobile
SEO Service Level Price / Month
Level 1 Optimization R 250 per month
Level 2 Optimization R 550 per month
Level 3 Optimization R 850 per month
Level 4 Optimization R 1250 per month


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